Gimnográvida – Preparação para o Parto e Maternidade

Fundação Fernando Pessoa | Hospital-Escola da Universidade Fernando Pessoa
Associação Portuguesa pelos Direitos da Mulher na Gravidez e Parto

Alexandrina Mendes | Obstetrician
Germano Couto | Nurse-Midwife
Joana Faria | Nurse-Midwife
Rui Carrapato | Paediatrician


21 march 2019

8h30 Registration

9h00 Opening Session

9h30 Normal Birth – Different Concepts and Approaches
Chair: Dolores Sardo | President of Nurse-Midwifery Portuguese Association

Lurdes Rodeia | Nurse-Midwife (Portugal)
Mary McNabb | Midwife (United Kingdom)
Soo Downe | Midwife, Chair of European Union COST Action (IS1405) (United Kingdom)

11h00 Coffee-Break

11h30 Controversial Issues
Chair: Sarita Nápoles | Obstetrician

Post-term Pregnancy: Wait or Induce?
Diogo Ayres de Campos
| Obstetrician (Portugal)

Follow-up by Doulas in Pregnancy, Delivery and the Postpartum Period
Mário Santos | Sociologist (Portugal)

13h00 Lunch

14h30 Poster Presentation

15h00 Fear at Childbirth
Chair: Marta Lima | Hypnotherapist

Isabel Ferreira | Nurse-Midwife (Portugal)
Olga Gouni | Prenatal Psychologist (Greece)
Vânia Simões | Jurist of the Portuguese Association for the Women Rights in Pregnancy and Labour (Portugal)

17h00 The Placenta
Anna Maria Rossetti | Nurse-Midwife (Italy)
Chair: Joana Guimarães | Nurse-Midwife

17h45 Microbirth 
Karen Strange | Midwife (United States of America)
Chair: Rui Carrapato | Paediatrician


22 march 2019

8h30 Registration

9h00 The Birth of a Father
Chair: Vítor Varela | President of the College of Obstetrics and Maternal Health Speciality- Nursing Council

Márcio Nogueira | Blogger “O Melhor Pai do Mundo” (Portugal)
Maria Neto Leitão | Nurse-Midwife (Portugal)
Mark Harris | Midwife, author of “Men, Love & Birth” (United Kingdom)

10h15  Parenthood in the Digital Era
Cátia Godinho | Blogger “A Nossa Mãe é Enfermeira” (Switzerland)
Chair: Andreia Neves  | Cardiopneumologist, Sleep Specialist

11h00 Coffee-Break

11h30 Round Table: Babies and Routines
Chair: Isabel Ferreira | Nurse-Midwife

Andreia Neves | Cardiopneumologist, Sleep Specialist (Portugal)
Conceição Santa Martha | Nurse-Midwife (Portugal)
Fiama Marques | Paediatric Nurse (Portugal)

12h30 NASCER POSITIVO & Poster Awards

13h00 Closing Session



Workshop “The Use of Fine Arts for Prenatal Well-being”
Olga Gouni | Prenatal Psychologist (Greece)
14h30-16h30 | Auditorium

Workshop “The Baby’s Experience of Birth and Tools for Healing: The Golden Hour”
Karen Strange | Midwife (United States of America)
17h00-19h00 | Auditorium


23 march 2019


Course “Integrative Resuscitation of the Newborn”
Karen Strange | Midwife and American Academy of Pediatrics/Neonatal Resuscitation Program Instructor (United States of America)
9h00-18h00 | Room 3

Curso “Rebozo in Pregnancy and Birth”
Thea Van Tuyle e Hannie Oor | Childbirth Educators (Netherlands)
9h00-13h30 | Room 4


Crioestaminal | Nutribén | Mustela | Medela