1. The work presented in poster format should cover pertinent and current subjects regarding Women’s Health, Sexuality and Maternal and Obstetrical Health, preferably within the theme of the event. Papers will be accepted with a maximum of 6 authors. Each author can only submit a maximum of 3 papers.

2. Abstracts can be written in both Portuguese and/or English with the maximum of 500 words (excluding bibliographic references). They should use the following structure: title (maximum of 150 characters, including spaces), keywords (between 3 to 6), introduction, objectives, methodology, results, conclusion and bibliography. The font used must be Arial, size 11 with 1,5 spacing.

3. Applications and abstracts must be sent via e-mail to until February 18th 2024 (extended to February 29th 2024).

4. The Scientific Committee has the right to reject, evaluate and attribute awards to any of the submitted posters. All abstracts received will be evaluated by the Scientific Committee through a blind review process with each abstract being evaluated by at least two reviewers..

5. The authors of the accepted abstracts will be contacted via e-mail up until February 26th 2024 (extended to March 15th 2024).

6. It is mandatory that at least one of the accepted authors register himself in the 2 days of the event until February 29th, 2024 (extended to March 22nd 2024).

7. The poster size should be 1,20m (height) by 0,9m (width) and should be sent in eletronic format (Power-point or JPG) via e-mail to, until March 10th 2024 (extended to March 31st 2024). All posters must be accompanied with a presentation video in landscape format, with a maximum duration of 5 minutes.

8. The poster submission is only valid if the presentation video is provided. By submitting the poster and the video, the candidates consent the publishing rights on the event platforms.

9. The candidates of the admitted posters will be given the certificate of authorship and co-authorship.

10. All admitted posters will have their presentation video projected during the breaks of the event.

11. The five posters with the highest score will be included in the scientific program and presented during the event, on April 10th 2024. The presentation will be carried out by one of the authors and should last a maximum of 5 minutes, with a video projection of the poster, followed by a moment for clarification of doubts. This presentation will be considered in the election of the three awarded posters.

12. From all the presented posters, three will be awarded a prize. The prize will be announced on April 11st 2024.

The Scientific Committee