1. The work presented in oral presentation format should cover pertinent and current subjects of Maternal and Obstetrical Health, preferably within the theme of the event. Research, reflection and literature review will be accepted with a maximum of 4 authors. Each author can only submit a maximum of 2 papers.
2. Abstracts can be written in both Portuguese and/or English with the maximum of 500 words (excluding bibliographic references). They should use the following structure: title (maximum of 150 characters, including spaces), keywords (between 3 to 6), introduction, objectives, methodology, results, conclusion and bibliography (according to APA format). The font used must be Arial, size 11 with 1,5 spacing.
3. The heading shall include the title in capital letters, the author’s identification and the main author’s email address.
4. Applications and abstracts must be sent via e-mail to nascer.positivo@gmail.com until 9th february 2020.
5. The Scientific Committee has the right to reject, evaluate and attribute awards to any of the submitted presentations. There will be no appeal. All abstracts received will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee according to the selection criteria: clarity of the subject and aims; quality of writing; theme framing; criativity and innovation; relevant scientific content; health gains.
6. Of all the papers received, the Scientific Committee will choose three, and these will be the only ones being presented at the event, on april 2, 2020. The authors of the accepted abstracts will be contacted via e-mail up until march 9th 2020.
7. Oral presentation should not exceed 10 minutes (8 minutes for the presentation itself and 2 minutes for discussion). Presentations must be in the Microsoft Powerpoint® program, respecting the format and template sent by the organization, when confirming the acceptance of the work.
8. Oral presentations must be sent via e-mail to nascer.positivo@gmail.com until 27th march 2020.
9. It is mandatory that at least one of the accepted authors register himself in the 2 days of the event until January 31st, 2020.
10. Participants will be given the presentation/authorship or co-authorship statement. All three papers will be awarded. Prizes will be announced on april 3rd 2020 in the event auditorium.
The Scientific Committee